Cyathea spinulosa Lake

time:11/21/2022 4:34:23 PM

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Cyathea spinulosa Lake is a section of Mabian River. It is an artificial lake area formed after the hydropower station was built in 1958 to store water. The mountains are overlapping, the waves are rippling, the spinulosa spinulosa is reflected, the mandarin ducks play in the water, the Qinglong Valley, Mengzi Gorge, Qingyuan Field, Horseshoe Bay, Longtan Valley, Laoying Rock and other scenic spots are distributed along the lake, which has won the reputation of the hometown of spinulosa spinulosa spinulosa in China, the National Wetland Park, and the 100 most beautiful scenic spots in Sichuan. Taking a cruise ship to ripple the lake, spinulosa spinulosa sways and egrets fly, as if you were in a Jurassic Paradise.
